Benham, Hervey, 1910- Last stronghold of sail : the story of the Essex Sailing-smacks Coasters and Barges / by Hervey Benham ; with a chapter on Wildfowling by J. Wentworth Day

Last stronghold of sail : the story of the Essex Sailing-smacks Coasters and Barges / by Hervey Benham ; with a chapter on Wildfowling by J. Wentworth Day . - 1st ed . - xxa London xxa-fimyyc George G. Harrap yyc-fim, cop. 1948 . - 202 p. : 31 il. 22 cm
Encadernado : oferta
Navegação marítima
Embarcações à vela
Essex (Inglaterra, Reino Unido)
Séc. 19-20
