Shelley : poetry and prose / with essays by Browning, Bagehot, Swinburne and reminiscences by others ; with an introduction and notes by A. M. D. Hughes

Shelley : poetry and prose / with essays by Browning, Bagehot, Swinburne and reminiscences by others ; with an introduction and notes by A. M. D. Hughes . - xxa Oxford xxa-fimyyc At the Clarendon Press yyc-fim, imp. 1952 . - xvi, 199 p. 19 cm
(Encadernado) : oferta
Shelley, Percy Bysshe,
Literatura inglesa
Crítica literária
Inglaterra (Reino Unido)
Séc. 19
Escritores ingleses
Romantismo na literatura

811.111-1 SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe .09