International Geographical Congress, 28, The Rhine valley : urban, harbour and industrial development and environmental problems : a regional guide dedicated to the 28th International Geographical Congress, The Hague 1996 / Heinz Heineberg, Norbert de Lange, Alois Mayr (eds.) ; ed. by the Committee of the Federal Republic of Germany for the International Geographical Union...

The Rhine valley : urban, harbour and industrial development and environmental problems : a regional guide dedicated to the 28th International Geographical Congress, The Hague 1996 / Heinz Heineberg, Norbert de Lange, Alois Mayr (eds.) ; ed. by the Committee of the Federal Republic of Germany for the International Geographical Union... . - xxa Leipzig xxa-fimyyc Institut für Länderkunde yyc-fim, 1996 . - 292 p. : il., mapas, tabs., gráfs., fotos, figs. 30 cm . - (Beiträge zur regionalen Geographie; 41)
3860820222 (brochado)
Geografia regional
Geografia humana
Desenvolvimento regional
Desenvolvimento sustentável
Bacias hidrográficas
Rio Reno
