Sholokhov, Mikhail, 1905-1984 The Don flows home to the sea / Mikhail Sholokhov ; translated from the Russian by Stephen Garry

The Don flows home to the sea / Mikhail Sholokhov ; translated from the Russian by Stephen Garry . - xxa New York xxa-fimyyc The New American Library yyc-fim, 1960 . - 688 p. 18 cm . - (A Signet Book; 1773)
Brochado : oferta
Literatura russa
Romances épicos
Séc. 20
Condições de vida
Primeira Guerra Mundial, 1914-1918
Revolução de 1917 (Rússia)
Guerra civil, 1917-1922 (Rússia)

821.161.1-311.6 SHOLOKHOV, Mikhail