Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century

Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century . - xxa Oxford xxa-fimyyc Voltaire Foundation yyc-fim, 1955 . - : il. 24*15,8cm . -
Monografias: 2005: 2: The Lisbon earthquake of 1755: representations and reactions / ed. Theodore E. D. Braun, John B. Radner. 2006: 7: Confiscations at customs: banned books and the french booktrade during the last years of the ancien régime / Robert L. Dawson. 2006: 11: Book illustration, taxes and propaganda: the Fermier's généraux edition of La Fontaine's Contes et nouvelles en vers of 1762 / David Adams. 2007: 3: La fureur de nuire: échanges pamphlétaires entre philosophes et antiphilosophes (1750-1770) / Olivier Ferret. 2007: 5: Between state and market: printing and bookselling in eigteenth-century France / Thierry Rigogne
2008: 1: Peripheries of the enlightenment / ed. Richard Butterwick, Simon Davies, Gabriel Sánchez Espinosa. 2009: 4: Locke's political liberty: readings and misreadings / ed. Christophe Miqueu; Mason Chamie. Voltaire,
Locke, John,
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História do livro
Terramoto de Lisboa de <1755= 1755>
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Filosofia política