Kurt, Andrew Minting, State, and economy in the Visigothic Kingdom : from settlement in Aquitaine through the first decade of the Muslim conquest of Spain / Andrew Kurt

Minting, State, and economy in the Visigothic Kingdom : from settlement in Aquitaine through the first decade of the Muslim conquest of Spain / Andrew Kurt . - xxa Amsterdam xxa-fimyyc Amsterdam University Press yyc-fim, cop. 2020 . - 421 p. : il. 24 cm . - (Late Antique and Early Medieval Iberia / series editor Jamie Wood)
978-94-6298-164-5 encadernado
Cunhagem de moeda
Moedas de ouro
Moedas de bronze
Gália (França: jur. pass.)
Ibéria (Península Ibérica: loc. ant.)
Séc. 5-8
