Isidoro de Sevilha, ca 562-636 On the nature of things : Isidore of Seville / translated with introduction, notes, and commentary by Calvin B. Kendall and Faith Wallis

On the nature of things : Isidore of Seville / translated with introduction, notes, and commentary by Calvin B. Kendall and Faith Wallis . - 1st ed . - xxa Liverpool xxa-fimyyc Liverpool University Press yyc-fim, 2016 . - xiv, 313 p. 23 cm . - (Translated texts for historians; 66) . - Tít. orig.: De natura rerum
978-1-78138-294-3 brochado
História da cultura
Filosofia da natureza
Idade Média
Séc. 7
Fontes documentais
