Leandro de Sevilha, 534-600 A book on the teaching of nuns and A homily in praise of the church / Saint Leander, Archbishop of Seville ; edited and translated with a historical introduction by John R.C. Martyn

A book on the teaching of nuns and A homily in praise of the church / Saint Leander, Archbishop of Seville ; edited and translated with a historical introduction by John R.C. Martyn . - xxa Lanhamxxa Boulder xxa-fimyyc Lexington Books yyc-fim, 2009 . - Tít. orig.: De institutione virginum et contemptu mundiTít. orig.: Homilia in laudem ecclesiae
9780739127711 encadernado
Igreja Católica
Literatura religiosa
Monaquismo feminino
Reino visigodo de Toledo (Espanha e Portugal: jur. pass.)
Séc. 6-7
Idade Média
Fontes documentais
