International Conference on Underwater Archaeology, Protection of cultural heritage under water : changes in European culture caused by maritime and inland waterborne trade / International Conference on Underwater Archaeology, 18-21 February 199 = Schutz des Kulturbes unter Wasser : Veranderungen europaischer Lebenskultur durch innereuropaischen Fluss- und Seehandel

Protection of cultural heritage under water : changes in European culture caused by maritime and inland waterborne trade / International Conference on Underwater Archaeology, 18-21 February 199 = Schutz des Kulturbes unter Wasser : Veranderungen europaischer Lebenskultur durch innereuropaischen Fluss- und Seehandel . - xxa Lubstorf xxa-fimyyc IKUWA yyc-fim, 2015 . - 18 p. : il. 21 cm
Brochado : oferta
Arqueologia subaquática
Património arqueológico
