Hobbs, Edward W. Sailing ships at a glance : a pictorial record of the evolution of the sailing ship from the earliest times until to-day / by Edward W. Hobbs ; with an introduction by L. G. Carr Laughton

Sailing ships at a glance : a pictorial record of the evolution of the sailing ship from the earliest times until to-day / by Edward W. Hobbs ; with an introduction by L. G. Carr Laughton . - xxa London xxa-fimyyc Architecture Press yyc-fim, 1925 . - 114 p. : 150 il. 22 cm . - (The fourth work in the "At a Glance" series)
Encadernado : oferta
Construção naval
Navegação marítima
Embarcações à vela
Séc. ...-20
