Narrative and dramatic sources of Shakespeare / edited by Geoffrey Bullough

Narrative and dramatic sources of Shakespeare / edited by Geoffrey Bullough . - xxa London xxa-fimyyc Routledge and Kegan Paul yyc-fim, 1968-1978 . - 8 vol. 21 cm . -
Vol. 1: Early comedies, Poems, Romeo and Juliet. - 1977. - XX, 532 p. - ISBN 0-7100-1131-8
Vol. 2: comedies, 1597-1603. - 1968. - XIV, 543 p. - ISBN 0-7100-1132-6
Vol. 3: Earlier English History plays : Henry VI, Richard III, Richard II. - 1975. - XIII, 512 p. - ISBN 0-7100-1133-4
Vol. 4: Later English History plays: King John, Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VIII. - 1975. - XIV, 534 p. - ISBN 0-7100-1134-2
Vol. 5: Roman plays: Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus. - 1977. - XIV, 577 p. - ISBN 0-7100-1135-0
Vol. 6: Other classical plays : Titus Andronicus, Troilus and Cressida, Timon of Athens, Pericles prince of Tyre. - 1977. - XIV, 578 p. - ISBN 0-7100-1136-9
Vol. 7: Major tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth.- 1978. - XVI, 533 p. - ISBN 0-7100-7287-2
Vol. 8: Romances: Cymbeline, The Winter's tale, The tempest. - 1975. - XIV, 423 p. - ISBN 0-7100-7895-1
(Encadernado) : oferta
Shakespeare, William,
Literatura inglesa
Reino Unido
Séc. 16-17