Benton, Rita, 1918-1980 Songs, 1880-1904 / Benton, Rita ; Claude Debussy, Claude, 1862-191 Debussy

Songs, 1880-1904 / Benton, Rita ; Claude Debussy, Claude, 1862-191 Debussy . - xxa [s.l] xxa-fimyyc Dover Publications yyc-fim, 1981 . - 192p. . -
Rich selection of 36 songs, settings of texts by Baudelaire, Verlaine, Mallarme, Bourget, Pierre Louys and other poets. Songs include: Beau Soir , Mandoline , Les Angelus , Dans le jardin , Cinq poemes de Baudelaire (5), Trois chansons de Bilitis (3) and many more. All songs reproduced directly from originals. Line-for-line English translations of French texts.
Songs with piano