Modern British utopias, <1700-1850= 1700- 1850> 1778-1798

1778-1798 . - xxa Londres xxa-fimyyc Pickering & Chatto yyc-fim, 1997 . - 476 p. . - (Modern British utopias, 1700-1850 / ed. e introd. Gregory Claeys; 4) . -
Contém: The travels of Hildebrand Bowman (1778) / [John Elliott]. A supplement to the history of Robinson Crusoe (1782) / [Thomas Spence]. The man in the moon, or travels into the lunar regions (2 vols, 1783) / [William Thomson]. A journey lately performed through the air (1784). The modern Atalantis, or, the devil in an air ballon (1784). A voyage to the moon strongly recommended to all lovers of real freedom (1793) / Aratus. Modern Gulliver's travels (1796). Libellus: or, a brief sketch of the history of Gotham (1798) / A. E.