Letters of eminent persons adressed to David Hume / ed. J. H. Burton

Letters of eminent persons adressed to David Hume / ed. J. H. Burton . - facs . - xxa Londres xxa-fimyyc Routledge/Thoemmes Press yyc-fim, 1998 . - 334 p. . - (Scotish enlightenment., Series I; 7) . -
Cartas de Horace Walpole, Helvetius, Bispo Douglas, Lord Lyttleton, Mirabeau, o "velho", Lady Hervey, Allan Ramsay, Coronel Barré, Sir Gilbert Elliot, Owen Ruffhead, Lord Elibank, Sir James MacDonald, Earl Marishal of Scotland, Lord Holdernesse, William Strahan, Sir Alexander Dick, Sir John Dalrymple, Lord Hardwick, Alexander Wedderburn (Lord Loughborough), George Maccauley, Lord Hertford, Mrs. Cockburn, Turgot, Sir Henry Erkine,, Sir William Pulteney, James Coutts, Edward Murphy, Sir James Stewart, Deão TUcker, D'Alembert e Mlle. De L'Espinasse, Malesherbes, Mme de Boufflers, Barão d'Holbach, Robert Wood, Marechal COnway, Sir John Pringle, Presidente de Brosses, Diderot, Mme Geoffrin, Presidente Hénault, Abade Prevôst, La Condamine, De Yverdun, Mme Le Page du Boccage, Mme Riccoboni, Buffon, Crebillon, Abade Morellet, Suard, Sir Robert Liston, Prof. Millar, Bispo Percy, Andrew Stuart. Hume, David,