Reed, Edward S. The separation of psychology from philosophy : studies in the sciences of mind 1815-1879 / Edward S. Reed

The separation of psychology from philosophy : studies in the sciences of mind 1815-1879 / Edward S. Reed Locke, John,
Kant, Immanuel,
Reid, Thomas,
Cousin, Victor,
Shelley, Mary
Darwin, Erasmus
Lawrence, William
Stewart, Dugald
Maine de Biran, Pierre,
Schopenhauer, Arthur,
Tracy, Antoine-Louis-Claude Destutt,
Brown, Thomas
Mill, James,
Bain, Alexander
Carpenter, William
Müller, Johannes
Fechner, Gustav
Lotze, R. H.
Mill, John Stuart,
Bailey, Samuel
Taine, Hippolyte,
Buckle, Thomas Henry
Lewes, G. H.