Penn-Paris-Dumbarton Oaks Colloquia IV, La notion de liberté au moyen age Islam, Byzance, Occident = =The concept of freedom in middle ages Islam, Byzantium and the West : Penn-Paris-Dumbarton Oaks Colloquia, IV, Session of October 12-15 1982 / org. George Makdisi, Dominique Sourdel e Janine Sourdel-Thomine ; colab. University of Pennsyvania, Dumbarton Oaks e Université de Paris-Sorbonne (ParisIV)

La notion de liberté au moyen age Islam, Byzance, Occident = =The concept of freedom in middle ages Islam, Byzantium and the West : Penn-Paris-Dumbarton Oaks Colloquia, IV, Session of October 12-15 1982 / org. George Makdisi, Dominique Sourdel e Janine Sourdel-Thomine ; colab. University of Pennsyvania, Dumbarton Oaks e Université de Paris-Sorbonne (ParisIV) . - xxa Paris xxa-fimyyc Les Belles Lettres yyc-fim, 1985 . - 287 p.
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