Whorf, Benjamin Lee, 1897-1941 Language, thought, and reality / selected writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf ; edited and with an introduction by John B. Carroll ; foreword by Stuart Chase

Language, thought, and reality / selected writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf ; edited and with an introduction by John B. Carroll ; foreword by Stuart Chase . - xxa Cambridge, Mass. xxa-fimyyc The MIT Press yyc-fim, imp. 1987 . - xi, 278 p. 21 cm
0 262 73006 5 brochado : compra0 262 73006 5 brochado : oferta
Whorf, Benjamin Lee,
Filosofia da linguagem
Linguagem e pensamento
Lógica e razão
Estrutura linguística
Percepção da realidade
Relatividade linguística

81 WHORF, Benjamin Lee (082)