Pufendorf, Samuel, 1632-1694 Two books of the elements of universal jurisprudence / Samuel Pufendorf ; translated by William Abbott Oldfather, 1931 ; revised, edited and with an introduction by Thomas Behme

Two books of the elements of universal jurisprudence / Samuel Pufendorf ; translated by William Abbott Oldfather, 1931 ; revised, edited and with an introduction by Thomas Behme . - xxa Indianapolis xxa-fimyyc Liberty Fund yyc-fim, 2009 . - xxii, 425 p. 24 cm . - (Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics) . - Tít. orig.: Elementorum jurisprudentiae universalis libri duo
978-0-86597-619-1 encadernado978-0-86597-620-7 brochado
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